Finest classical melodies arranged for trombone

OTHERS, Coursebooks, Kevin Baker

Finest classical melodies arranged for trombone

+ Book + mp3 audios

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Author: Kevin Baker
Contents: Book + mp3 audios
Available: Immediately
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With its extensive and diverse repertoire, this tutorial allows you as a trombonist to access the best of what classical music has to offer. If you choose to work with this tutorial, you will not only broaden your musical horizon and improve your playing technique, but indeed enjoy performing all kinds of masterpieces on your own trombone. All the great composers are featured – with one or even several of their works, with concerts, symphonies and sonatas, with lieder, arias and overtures, with Renaissance dances, orchestral pieces, waltzes and ballets, but also with instrumentals such as preludes, nocturnes, etudes, marches, gymnopedies and much more. And in order not to lose your enthusiasm while practicing, each score is accompanied by 2 audio-recordings. In the first recording, the trombone-part is played along to the corresponding accompaniment. In the second, only the backing track (the accompaniment) can be heard, which gives you the possibility of taking up the score yourself. In total, you are invited to enjoy 174 recordings, which add up to more than 6 hours of musical practice(!)

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Finest classical melodies arranged for trombone (pdf + mp3)
Finest classical melodies arranged for trombone (iPad)
Finest classical melodies arranged for trombone (Android)
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