For playing Rock music on the drums

Downloadable backing tracks for playing Rock drums

Dozens of backing tracks for practicing Rock music on the drums (3 different key/tempo). Don’t forget to press PLAY to listen to excerpts from fully orchestrated Rock backing tracks(!)

Price: 1 € / backing track

Alternative Rock

B 144C 124D 134

British Pop

A 124D 108E 116


Bm 112Dm 96Gm 120

Heavy Metal

D 100E 126F 142

Metal Fusion

A 106Eb 80F 96

Modern Pop

Bb 142C 152G 160

Pop 60s

A 88B 72D 80

Pop 70s

Am 114Bm 124Dm 106

Pop Rock

C 114Eb 98F 126

Progressive Rock

D 116E 128F 100

Punk Rock

D 126E 150G 136


A 136D 124E 112

Rock NRoll

A 160C 140E 172

Slow Rock

Bb 60G 72Gb 80

Trash Metal

D 146E 159F 168